DevOps (CI & CD Development)
Fireant provide comprehensive DevOps and testing solution services to ensure to accelerated time-to-market.The most tending and comprehensive Devops Service we provide are: –
- The popular CI tools like Agile GO, Cruise Control, Puppet, Jenkins, Bamboo, Hudson, and more we focus on improved delivery quality and enhanced operational efficiency
- Supports Microservices & Serverless Computing – Docker & Kubernetes
- Infrastructure Automation on cloud like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud
- One-Click compiles and Deploy build, go for future Application testing like smoke, Acceptance, Performance, generate reports.
- Manage large Infrastructure with CD tools with Ansible, Puppet, Chief Continuous Monitoring and alerting Solution
- Continuous Integration & Delivery pipelines
- We Provide deploy DevOps solutions on-Premises, Public or Hybrid cloud.
- Automate Deployments, Rollouts and Rollbacks